1915(i) Care Coordination

Care Coordination is a required component of the 1915(i) and assists individuals with gaining access to needed 1915(i) services. The individual has a right to choose their care coordination provider. The care coordinator ensures that the individual’s (and parent/guardian as applicable) voice, preferences, and needs are central to the person-centered planning process.

Targeted Case Management

Assists individuals in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services necessary for appropriate care and treatment.

Community Connect

A community-based program that ensures access to needed recovery support services including Care Coordination, Peer Support, and Recovery Services.

Free Through Recovery

Connection with a previously justice-involved Peer Support Specialist to provide mentorship, advocacy, and additional recovery support.

Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS)

Employment and education support for individuals receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).