Multiple programs fall under QSP services. Your local Social Services Case Manager will determine your eligibility for each program and the amount of support in the program.
- Chore Service: Staff assist with tasks someone is not able to complete on their own such as cleaning and floor care
- Companionship Services: Staff assist with non-medical care, supervision, and socialization.
- Personal Care Services: Staff assist with personal care such as showering, hair care, etc.
- Homemaker Services: Staff assist with household chores such as housework, meal preparation, laundry, shopping, and communication.
- Respite Care: Staff give support to someone so that their primary care provider can have time away.
- Supervision: Staff may provide supervision to people who need additional support to ensure health and safety.
- Transitional Living Services: Staff support includes independent living skills training such as self-care, communication skills, sensory/motor development, community living, and socialization.
- Non-Medical Transport (Driver & Escort): Staff can assist with activities that do not involve medical appointments/needs (i.e. instance grocery shopping).

Looking to Apply?
Those interested in receiving QSP Services should contact their local Human Service Zone.
Get in Touch
If you do not qualify for the program above or are looking for other resources, please contact us through our chat or contact form.